The Sword of Dave Quest (Revised April 27, 2023) Purpose: To acquire the Sword of Dave Location: Tyrin Ruins Under Difficulty: Not bad and can be completed as a maxed solo character. Comments: Step very carefully as there's dead ends and teleporters galore. 1. Go south from Tyrin Ruins at 10,13. 2. Head north at 13,12 and follow the path. Go west at 6,2 and then north at 5,1. 3. Flee or fight the orcs at 4,0 and then head north into Tyrin Ruins Under. 4. Step north to 4,14 and you can rest. 5. Head east and take the teleporter at 9,11 or 11,15 to arrive at 2,1. 6. Step north to 2,0, east to 3,0, south to 3,1, east to 4,1, south to 4,2, east to 5,2, south to 5,3. 7. Move east to 8,3. Rest and prepare for battle against orcs, evil mages, minotaurs, and evil clerics. 8. Go south and fight at 8,4. 9. Head south to 8,6, west to 6,5, and through the door west to 5,5 and a brief battle. 10. Leave to the west and then south to 5,6 and prepare for a battle. 11. Step south to 5,7 and battle. Head west at 4,8 and then west to 1,8. Step north, pull lever, and teleport to 7,9. 12. Head east to 10,9. Time to enter the minotaur maze! East to 12,9, north to 12,7 east to 13,7, south to 13,8, east to 14,8, north to 14,5, west to 13,5, south to 13,6, west to 11,6, north to 11,5, east to 12,5, north to 12,4, west to 11,4, north to 11,3, west to 10,3, north to 10,2, east to 12,2, south to 12,3, east to 13,3, south to 13,4, east to 14,4, north to 14,3. 13. Once prepared for battle, step north to 14,2 against minotaurs, hell and ice hounds. Rest afterwards. 14. At 15,1 head north and attain the Sword of Dave! 15. Head south through the door at 15,2 and 15,14 and prepare at 15,15. 16. Step west to 14,15 and battle black dragons. Rest afterwards. 17. Move to 13,13 and prepare for battle. 18. Step north to 13,12 and battle caped medusae, fire giants, fighters, and hell hounds. Rest afterwards. 19. Move northeast to 14,10 and move north to 14,9. After this you'll teleport to Tyrin Ruins 4,1. Kurt Reonis