The images below were not made specifically for DungeonCraft, but some of them might be useful in making sprites (perhaps - not sure which ones, though, as people may have different needs in terms of size). The artwork is steadily worse as the date gets older... Well, I think so, anyway. Looking at the stuff I've done over the years, I can see that I've tried various image sizes and methods here.
All images here were created using only Microsoft Paint - and sometimes something else if only to convert it to a usable GIF file!
Standard AD&D Races and Monsters (July 2004)
Sorceress and Familiar | Sorceress Casts a Spell | Dwarven Fighter | Gnomish Fighter Attacks | Black Ooze Attacks | Eeek! |
Lejendary Adventure Monsters, Avatar Races, and Extraordinary Items (July 2005)
Golden Dragon | Dockalfar | Ilf (female) | Kobold (male) | Trollkin (male) | Veshoge (male) |
Mirana's Health Restorative | Bright Bubble | Ice Blade |
Forgotten Realms Residents (February 2006)
Hanali Celanil (deity) | Moon Elf and Frog | Avariel in Flight |
Sea Elf and Fish | Fleeing Dwarf | Redheaded Paladin |
Forgotten Realms Deity Symbols (June 2006 - November 2006)
Helm | Mystra | Selûne | Shar | Lliira | Tymora | Hanali Celanil |
Forgotten Realms Races (September 2006)
Shield Dwarf (male) | Gold Dwarf (male) | Gray Dwarf (male) |
Moon Elf (male) | Moon Elf (female) | Sun Elf (female) | Sea Elf, Serôsian (female) |
Rock Gnome (male) | Forest Gnome (male) | Halfling (male) | Halfling (female) |
All art was done by me, yadda yadda, be nice!