JellyFish Information
JellyFish is best editor that I have found that fulfills
my needs. When JellyFish 1.11 was released, Paul Squires, added plugin functionality that vastly expanded the horizons
that were possible. I started with a small project, a source code formatter, to test the waters. Although it wasn't
pretty, it worked. Since then, my world has expanded slowly as my brain is small and my understanding slow. Regardless,
here are my contributions to the JellyFish world.
Plugin Forums -- Join in discussion about the various
JellyFish Plugin Manual
This is the CHM help file converted into a few formats for your perusal. I took the PDF version to Kinko's and had it
printed to half-sheets (think a regular sheet of paper with two pages per landscape and two on the back) with plastic
coil binding. A black plastic back cover with a clear plastic front cover rounded out the book. Quite nice and
professional. Though the price was $16, it was worth it as I prefer a printed resource to an online copy.
Acrobat (352k) -- Converted from OO. Looks fine.
Word -- (86k) Converted from OO as well. I don't have Word so I don't know
how it looks for you.
AutoDeclare (19k) -- a plugin for JellyFish.
AutoDeclare will create another file with a list of all your SUBs and FUNCTIONs already declared and
ready to be inserted into your source code. If you'd prefer you can just INCLUDE the AutoDeclare
file and things are compact and easy. Just run again anytime you need to update your declarations.
VarAdjust (24k) -- a plugin for JellyFish.
This plugin should incorporate the similar functionality of a feature found in the old PDS of yesteryear. In that IDE,
if you changed the capitalization of a variable, the IDE would automatically adjust the capitalization of all
occurrences throughout the source code. This is a replica of a similar thing--but in reverse.
VarAdjust keeps an array active of all the dimensioned variables. Whenever you press Ctrl-Shift-Up,
Ctrl-Shift-Down, or Ctrl-Shift-Enter, VarAdjust will reexamine the source file to see if there are any
newly dimensioned variables and update the array. If there are any variables that are dimensioned and
are found in the line that you used one of the keycodes from before, VarAdjust will automatically
correct any capitalization.
Take a look at the looping gif animation (81k) for a preview.
Last updated on August 01, 2003,
by Kurt Reonis