0,1 The thinly crusted ground gives way under your weight and you tumble down a man-made tunnel landing in an unfamiliar place.

to (11,13)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
0,9 This residence is lived in, but nobody is here. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
0,10 You clumsily set off a trap and are seriously injured. As you pick yourself up off the floor, you realize that this must have been the resting place of the Sacred Scepter.

PC takes damage.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
0,11 Judging by the entities in this room, you have found a hotbed of activity!

Efreeti and Fire Giant Mages (17.2K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
1,10 To the west is the room where Phadeous and Gerard created the great explosion which welded the Wand of Piety and the Blessed Crystal together creating the powerful Sacred Scepter. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
1,12 This huge hall was used every spring during the Feast of Spring celebration. During the week-long celebration, Gerard Wegman submerged the Sacred Scepter into the wells of Stonebridge and Rivermoore in order to restore healing powers to the waters to combat the ill effects of the life-draining curse. Since the disappearance of the Sacred Scepter, the residents have nothing to celebrate. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
1,13 A colorful sign above the door reads: 'Feast of Spring Banquet Hall' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
2,2 At nighttime:

Giants attack!

Storm Giants, Fire Giant Mages, Cloud Giant Shamans (45.7K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
2,6 The secret passage seals shut behind you. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
3,4 The books along these walls tell tales of what happened after the 'healing' of the wells. Each year the two towns held a week long celebration called the Feast of Spring. Gerard Wegman submerged the Sacred Scepter in the well waters of both towns, revitalizing the waters for another year. Both towns began to prosper as the effects of the curse were neutralized. Until, that is, the day an evil mage managed to steal the Sacred Scepter. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
3,5 You leaf through the books found on the shelves of the historical society. Most tell the tale of the origin and effects of a curse bestowed upon the well waters of Stonebridge and Rivermoore by a man who tried to destroy the two towns. The curse was so powerful that nobody could find a way to combat its ill effects. They go on to reveal the brilliant discovery of Phadeous and Gerard Wegman, who, in a flurry of magic, created a white hot explosion which welded together a Wand of Piety and a Blessed Crystal. Unfortunately, Phadeous lost his life in the explosion, but Gerard, in his rush to cool off the newly formed item, discovered its power. After submerging the Sacred Scepter (which he eventually called the new item) into the well, the curse was abated temporarily and the waters were able to be used again. One particular book catches your eye. In the margin of one page someone has scribbled the words 'Jewel of Bastille'. The next 3 pages of the journal are missing. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
3,7 This residence is lived in, but nobody is here. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
3,11 NPC Mary Moonfollow - 'Hail! I'm Mary Moonfollow. Welcome to my home! I'll tell you what I know of the night of the great tragedy. I was here in my home when I heard shouts from the crowd at the feast. I peered out my door and saw a man running west, clutching two items. He ran out of my view and was never seen again. I found out later that those items must have been the broken Sacred Scepter, which he dropped as the crowds pelted him with stones and boulders.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
4,5 A sign on the door reads: 'Stonebridge Historical Society' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
5,0 At daytime:

Giants attack!

Storm Giants, Fire Giant Mages, Ice Giant Shamans (45.7K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
5,5 The mayor greets you. 'Hail adventurers! I hear you have come to help us find the missing items of the Sacred Scepter so that Stonebridge and Rivermoore can once again make safe their well waters. Our residents may be of aid to you. Many were here to witness the unfortunate theft and destruction of the Sacred Scepter during the last Feast of Spring. Since that time, we have been plagued with the life-draining curse and an increasing number of nomadic monsters which hinder our quest for the items.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
6,5 The well here is no longer used by the residents. Until the Sacred Scepter is returned and restored, all here import their water. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
6,9 The guard stands as you approach. 'Welcome to Stonebridge Estates. If you are interested in buying a home, contact Teana Raelin. Her office is behind Droah's Emporium. If you are seeking clues to the missing wand and crystal, please do not disturb the residents. Always knock before entering a home.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,0 There is a town to the south and forest around you.

A small sign reads: 'North - Gideon'.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,2 A locked gate bars your way south. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,3 A locked gate bars your way north. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,4 The plaque on the door reads: 'Finius Finkle - Lord Mayor of Stonebridge' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,6 A sign swinging in the breeze reads: 'Stonebridge Armory' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,8 You can barely make out the faded letters on the doors: 'The Enchanted Elf Inn
Local Gossip, Hot Meals, Quiet Rooms

...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,12 The weather-beaten sign reads: 'Droah's Emporium
Local Notions and Magical Potions'

Potion of Swiftness 1150
Potion of Healing 1200
Potion of Extra Healing 2400
Potion of Giant Strength 3000
1 Holy Water Vial 25
Silver Mirror 25
1 Flask of Oil 1
...noted by Kurt Reonis
8,5 Flourishing gardens which fed the residents once graced these paths. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,1 An evil eye (or 10) turns toward you!

Beholders (31.3K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,6 'Welcome to Stonebridge,' says a long-time resident. 'Please, if you haven't been warned already, don't drink the well water. Join me for a drink before you continue. I bring in my water daily from Gideon.' He shakes his head sadly as he pours the water, careful not to spill a drop. 'It's the only way to survive here now..until someone finds the wand and the crystal and gets Gerard to reforge them with his magic.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,14 You've interrupted the arcane drakes investigation!

Red Dragons and Wyverns (23.1K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,15 A sign on the gate reads: 'to Rivermoore'

A note written under it warns: 'Warning! Don't Drink the Water!'
...noted by Kurt Reonis
10,11 A note on the door indicates that this is the office of Teana Raelin. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
10,12 Teana Raelin greets you as you step into her office. 'Hail! I'm happy you have taken an interest in Stonebridge. If you are just staying for a few weeks, we have some very comfortable cottages for your visit. If you are contemplating a longer stay, Stonebridge Estates is the place for you.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,6 Scavengers abound amidst the spoiled grain!

Carrion Crawlers and Giant Slug (5.9K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,8 The signs on the doors of the cottages read: 'Stonebridge Cottages
See Teana Raelin for Rates'
...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,13 Tumbling out of the tunnel you emerge a little shaken, but no worse for wear, and look around. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,15 You feel dizzy as a strange magical force uproots you.

to (15,7)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
12,6 A sign above the door reads: 'Gunther's Grain Storage' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
12,11 Watch Out! Stampede!

Mammoths (35.7K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
12,13 The rotted trap door beneath your feet gives way and you plunge several feet down.

to Stonebridge/Rivermoore Under (8,0)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
13,4 At day:
This bandit camp is well guarded!

Evil Mages and Bandits (4.0K exp)

At night:
This bandit camp is deserted.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
13,8 The forest springs to life!

Shambling Mounds and Tree Men (6.2K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,4 At day:
This bandit camp is deserted.

At night:
The bandit camp has bodies everywhere. You see the reason why.

Bulettes (12.2K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,6 The passage to the east is blocked. The sign reads: 'to Stonebridge - Road Washed Out!' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,7 You see two men disappearing through the brush to the west. Each sneaking through a different spot. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,15 Now why do you suppose those Iron Golems are standing watch here?

Evil Mages and Iron Golems (37.1K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis

X-axis Y-axis Comments
0 1 The thinly crusted ground gives way under your weight and you tumble down a man-made tunnel landing in an unfamiliar place.

to (11,13)
0 9 This residence is lived in, but nobody is here.
0 10 You clumsily set off a trap and are seriously injured. As you pick yourself up off the floor, you realize that this must have been the resting place of the Sacred Scepter.

PC takes damage.
0 11 Judging by the entities in this room, you have found a hotbed of activity!

Efreeti and Fire Giant Mages (17.2K exp)
1 10 To the west is the room where Phadeous and Gerard created the great explosion which welded the Wand of Piety and the Blessed Crystal together creating the powerful Sacred Scepter.
1 12 This huge hall was used every spring during the Feast of Spring celebration. During the week-long celebration, Gerard Wegman submerged the Sacred Scepter into the wells of Stonebridge and Rivermoore in order to restore healing powers to the waters to combat the ill effects of the life-draining curse. Since the disappearance of the Sacred Scepter, the residents have nothing to celebrate.
1 13 A colorful sign above the door reads: 'Feast of Spring Banquet Hall'
2 2 At nighttime:

Giants attack!

Storm Giants, Fire Giant Mages, Cloud Giant Shamans (45.7K exp)
2 6 The secret passage seals shut behind you.
3 4 The books along these walls tell tales of what happened after the 'healing' of the wells. Each year the two towns held a week long celebration called the Feast of Spring. Gerard Wegman submerged the Sacred Scepter in the well waters of both towns, revitalizing the waters for another year. Both towns began to prosper as the effects of the curse were neutralized. Until, that is, the day an evil mage managed to steal the Sacred Scepter.
3 5 You leaf through the books found on the shelves of the historical society. Most tell the tale of the origin and effects of a curse bestowed upon the well waters of Stonebridge and Rivermoore by a man who tried to destroy the two towns. The curse was so powerful that nobody could find a way to combat its ill effects. They go on to reveal the brilliant discovery of Phadeous and Gerard Wegman, who, in a flurry of magic, created a white hot explosion which welded together a Wand of Piety and a Blessed Crystal. Unfortunately, Phadeous lost his life in the explosion, but Gerard, in his rush to cool off the newly formed item, discovered its power. After submerging the Sacred Scepter (which he eventually called the new item) into the well, the curse was abated temporarily and the waters were able to be used again. One particular book catches your eye. In the margin of one page someone has scribbled the words 'Jewel of Bastille'. The next 3 pages of the journal are missing.
3 7 This residence is lived in, but nobody is here.
3 11 NPC Mary Moonfollow - 'Hail! I'm Mary Moonfollow. Welcome to my home! I'll tell you what I know of the night of the great tragedy. I was here in my home when I heard shouts from the crowd at the feast. I peered out my door and saw a man running west, clutching two items. He ran out of my view and was never seen again. I found out later that those items must have been the broken Sacred Scepter, which he dropped as the crowds pelted him with stones and boulders.'
4 5 A sign on the door reads: 'Stonebridge Historical Society'
5 0 At daytime:

Giants attack!

Storm Giants, Fire Giant Mages, Ice Giant Shamans (45.7K exp)
5 5 The mayor greets you. 'Hail adventurers! I hear you have come to help us find the missing items of the Sacred Scepter so that Stonebridge and Rivermoore can once again make safe their well waters. Our residents may be of aid to you. Many were here to witness the unfortunate theft and destruction of the Sacred Scepter during the last Feast of Spring. Since that time, we have been plagued with the life-draining curse and an increasing number of nomadic monsters which hinder our quest for the items.'
6 5 The well here is no longer used by the residents. Until the Sacred Scepter is returned and restored, all here import their water.
6 9 The guard stands as you approach. 'Welcome to Stonebridge Estates. If you are interested in buying a home, contact Teana Raelin. Her office is behind Droah's Emporium. If you are seeking clues to the missing wand and crystal, please do not disturb the residents. Always knock before entering a home.'
7 0 There is a town to the south and forest around you.

A small sign reads: 'North - Gideon'.
7 2 A locked gate bars your way south.
7 3 A locked gate bars your way north.
7 4 The plaque on the door reads: 'Finius Finkle - Lord Mayor of Stonebridge'
7 6 A sign swinging in the breeze reads: 'Stonebridge Armory'
7 8 You can barely make out the faded letters on the doors: 'The Enchanted Elf Inn
Local Gossip, Hot Meals, Quiet Rooms

7 12 The weather-beaten sign reads: 'Droah's Emporium
Local Notions and Magical Potions'

Potion of Swiftness 1150
Potion of Healing 1200
Potion of Extra Healing 2400
Potion of Giant Strength 3000
1 Holy Water Vial 25
Silver Mirror 25
1 Flask of Oil 1
8 5 Flourishing gardens which fed the residents once graced these paths.
9 1 An evil eye (or 10) turns toward you!

Beholders (31.3K exp)
9 6 'Welcome to Stonebridge,' says a long-time resident. 'Please, if you haven't been warned already, don't drink the well water. Join me for a drink before you continue. I bring in my water daily from Gideon.' He shakes his head sadly as he pours the water, careful not to spill a drop. 'It's the only way to survive here now..until someone finds the wand and the crystal and gets Gerard to reforge them with his magic.'
9 14 You've interrupted the arcane drakes investigation!

Red Dragons and Wyverns (23.1K exp)
9 15 A sign on the gate reads: 'to Rivermoore'

A note written under it warns: 'Warning! Don't Drink the Water!'
10 11 A note on the door indicates that this is the office of Teana Raelin.
10 12 Teana Raelin greets you as you step into her office. 'Hail! I'm happy you have taken an interest in Stonebridge. If you are just staying for a few weeks, we have some very comfortable cottages for your visit. If you are contemplating a longer stay, Stonebridge Estates is the place for you.'
11 6 Scavengers abound amidst the spoiled grain!

Carrion Crawlers and Giant Slug (5.9K exp)
11 8 The signs on the doors of the cottages read: 'Stonebridge Cottages
See Teana Raelin for Rates'
11 13 Tumbling out of the tunnel you emerge a little shaken, but no worse for wear, and look around.
11 15 You feel dizzy as a strange magical force uproots you.

to (15,7)
12 6 A sign above the door reads: 'Gunther's Grain Storage'
12 11 Watch Out! Stampede!

Mammoths (35.7K exp)
12 13 The rotted trap door beneath your feet gives way and you plunge several feet down.

to Stonebridge/Rivermoore Under (8,0)
13 4 At day:
This bandit camp is well guarded!

Evil Mages and Bandits (4.0K exp)

At night:
This bandit camp is deserted.
13 8 The forest springs to life!

Shambling Mounds and Tree Men (6.2K exp)
15 4 At day:
This bandit camp is deserted.

At night:
The bandit camp has bodies everywhere. You see the reason why.

Bulettes (12.2K exp)
15 6 The passage to the east is blocked. The sign reads: 'to Stonebridge - Road Washed Out!'
15 7 You see two men disappearing through the brush to the west. Each sneaking through a different spot.
15 15 Now why do you suppose those Iron Golems are standing watch here?

Evil Mages and Iron Golems (37.1K exp)

Last updated on May 5, 2023,
by Kurt Reonis